Monday, February 20, 2012

Another One Bites the Dust...

Alright, so remember those resolutions of which I spoke?  The good news is that I seem to be making headway on them.  All of them actually.  *insert fist pump here*

My Crafty Momma has a February birthday which entitles her to, amongst other things, a kick-ass birth stone (Amethyst!) and a present pre-Valentine's which will come whether my Handy Dad decides to recognize Valentine's or not.  Also, she does not share her birthday month with anything else that takes precedence (re: December birthday) and every four years she gets an extra day in her birthday month.  All in all, it's a pretty rocking time of year besides the fact that she's my very awesome Momma.  So, consequently, birthday gifts should try to measure up to the awesomeness that is my Momma and her birthday.

This year seemed like the perfect opportunity to rise to the challenge and satisfy one of my resolutions, complete a sewing project every 2-3 months.  But what to make?  In to my fabric stash I went, hoping for inspiration.  Do you know what I found?  A beautiful yellow floral flannel that I bought approximately two years ago to make....wait for it...pj pants for my Momma!!!  So, I'm either an ingenious fabric hoarder or a total slacker.  Either way, I had a project all picked out and had all the accoutrements (that's notions for you sewing people) ready to go.  And go I went.  I think all told I managed to finish the pj pants in under four hours.  That's some kind of record, people!

The best part?  She really loved them.  Actually, she gushed.  I love seeing people I love gush over things I give them - even more so over things I make them.  So, there we go.  One project down for the year, 4-6 more to go.  I can do this!

On another note, my very first cousin Abby (born three months after me) had her very first baby - a girl - a week ago last Saturday.  I made this for her little Katelyn the minute I found out it was a girl, so it doesn't count as a 2012 project - but I think it's still worth showing off.  Anyone watch Big Bang?  "Soft kitty, nice kitty...".

What I'm Reading: Catharine The Great by Robert Massie

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A New Addition...

The new addition to my Pyrex Family. I picked this little pretty up in Branson last Friday. Read about my other Pyrex and collection here.  Highlights: unusual (ie hard to find) pattern in my favorite color, original lid (also rare), and small size. It was Pyrex Love at first site...

If you're as enamored by vintage Pyrex as I am, you must check out Pyrex Love.  These people are serious about their Pyrex.

PS - Always a good gift idea for me - as my Bestie proved a few weeks ago.  She found me a little solid blue mixing bowl that matched a set I have as a 'Pick-Me-Up' gift - and it worked!

What I'm Reading:  Catherine The Great by Robert K. Massie and The Mill River Recluse by Darcie Chan

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Finale'

And again - I've been remiss at blogging.  It's amazing how one that enjoys writing manages to convince oneself NOT to write.  Maybe I'm afraid of censor by my peers?  Nope, just too busy and too lazy!  But this year I made a few 'creative' resolutions - including these:
  • Complete a sewing (machine) project every 2-3 months
  • Complete an embroidery project that I've been working on for two years
  • Research avenues to market/sell my projects
But, more about those resolutions later.  As a part of those resolutions I promised to blog more.  About sewing.  And creating.  And my travels - and just life in general.  However, all of these lofty goals were inspired by one event alone....

I finished it.

What's that?  I finished it.  I completed a project that I've been working on for over a year.  It was a big one too - not only one that I made a custom pattern for, but also designed especially for a friend.  It was a big project, but also challenging and rewarding because I made unique.  And I finished it.  The best part?  She loved her apron!  The smile when she saw it was worth all the hard work and sweat.

Details you ask?!?  I made the apron from a light upholstery fabric for durability and sturdiness.  I extended the length of the apron at Linden's request and the length of the straps.  It also has a towel ring and pen holder, especially for Linden.  I also added a hidden 'cell phone pocket' because I always get flour on mine when I cook.  It was a hit, but more importantly gave me a sense of accomplishment and motivation that will hopefully carry me throughout the year.  I'm once again excited about sewing, creating, and sharing it with y'all.

What I'm Reading:  Catherine The Great by Robert K. Massie and The Mill River Recluse by Darcie Chan