Alright, so remember those resolutions of which I spoke? The good news is that I seem to be making headway on them. All of them actually. *insert fist pump here*
My Crafty Momma has a February birthday which entitles her to, amongst other things, a kick-ass birth stone (Amethyst!) and a present pre-Valentine's which will come whether my Handy Dad decides to recognize Valentine's or not. Also, she does not share her birthday month with anything else that takes precedence (re: December birthday) and every four years she gets an extra day in her birthday month. All in all, it's a pretty rocking time of year besides the fact that she's my very awesome Momma. So, consequently, birthday gifts should try to measure up to the awesomeness that is my Momma and her birthday.

The best part? She really loved them. Actually, she gushed. I love seeing people I love gush over things I give them - even more so over things I make them. So, there we go. One project down for the year, 4-6 more to go. I can do this!

What I'm Reading: Catharine The Great by Robert Massie
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