Good, now that we've got that clear I need to tell you exciting news. I've been consigned! Wait - that didn't come out right...what I mean to say is that I've taken several finished items to The Quilted Cow to be sold on a consignment basis. Have I told you about The Quilted Cow? It's adorable new fabric/quilt/little bit of everything store in Cape Fair, Missouri. Not only do they have wonderful and unique things, but the beautiful drive makes the trip totally worth while. And now I officially have items there too! Very excited and grateful for the opportunity.

And second is the purple-ish flowered one, which has a cream lining. I got the fabric for this at Claude's Country Threads in Stover, Missouri.

I can't believe I finally got the gumption to put something out there and see how it sells. It really shows me just how far I've come in the year since I decided to try my hand at sewing again. I also took two aprons, one half and one full, but you'll have to drive out to Cape Fair to see them!
So that's all my newsy news - but tell me, do think these pieces are good examples of what I do? Any suggestions for what I could do different next time I finish a batch of consignment pieces?
hallo are you there? me mom