I ordered Chinese food a couple weeks ago, which is something I rarely do. And it came with two fortune cookies - apparently I ordered A LOT of Chinese food. Anyway, I decided to eat the extra fortune cookie I had in the kitchen last night. And the fortune said... "You should enhance your feminine side at this time." Now not to be sexist in any way, but I thought it was so fortuitous that I would get this fortune just as I'm branching into a new era with my 'feminine side'. Lesson learned - you can find motivation and support where you least expect it!
On to the sewing at large. I've been experimenting recently with my embroidery. That's what I love about doing embroidery - there are so many possibilities and options. I could probably use the same pattern twenty times and never have it exactly the same. Which is also the beauty of hand-crafts; when you purchase or are given one it's unique and one-of-a kind. Yours alone to cherish! My first "experiment" was a kitchen towel I did for myself with some new & different stitches and bright colors.

I admit - when my fella first saw it, he said "I think that's a flower. If it is, it's cute." But that's ok, because that's what trying new things is about. Having the funny but sunny flower keep your stove company.

Next - I experimented with using colored fabric (blue) and some more stitches I haven't done very often. This is a handkerchief for me to use at work. Here's a disclaimer for those of you that don't know; I work outside for my job and I've found that three seasons out of the year equals a perpetually runny nose. And tissues blow away in the wind. Enter "Super-Duper Hanky"! Maybe the colors could have been a bit different on this one, but that's OK because it's mine and I like it.

Finally - and this one is simply because many of my friends are expecting joyous events (that's kids for you bachelor-type people like me!) a cloth diaper burp cloth. I love this pretty little lady and thought it would be a nice gift for a baby girl.
P.S. Les - if it's a girl, she's yours!
So, let me know what you think about all my 'experimenting'. By the by, see a pattern you like? Need a handy hanky? Just let me know because I'm officially licensed to use Sublime Stitching embroidery patterns! Handkerchiefs are $3-$5 depending on design. Oh - and know someone that needs a burp cloth? Five dollars each too.
And a shout-out to Janie! Thank you for your sweet comments and I look forward to getting to 'know' you better :). TP - you're the bestest!
Later today hopefully I can tell you if it is a boy or girl so you can let your creativity run wild! like the burp cloth! oh and I thought of something else easy you could make me! A nursing modesty cover - they are way too proud of those in the stores for it just being a piece of fabric.