I am a voracious reader. I consider it a hobby, although admit that I've gotten peculiar looks when asked my hobbies in an interview and I blurt out "Reading!". I have a 'relationship' with my books and often antagonize over whether it's time to let one go or not. A good proverb would be that "A full bookshelf equals a happy home". Hmm - maybe that would be good in embroidery :).
A recent collection I started at this house was collecting the wine bottles that were finished off by myself, my Fella, Mama, Aunt Lisa, my friends, etc...

These bottles have lead to a few cringe-worthy moments including my landlord casually noting, "I see you like to drink wine". But the bottles all have a special memory and that's why I keep them around for the time being.

My most recent collection that I've started on is birds. Of all kinds - fabric prints, ceramic, art, pictures, etc... You may have guessed this is where my blog name came from - and you would be correct, your prize is in the mail :). These are just a few of my little friends.
It's more than liking birds though. I love watching birds and the beauty they can give to even the most ugly circumstances. If you watch birds you'll find that they often have keen, inquisitive personalities, almost inviting you to get to know them better. I feel like those are qualities I share with birds; I love to spread beauty with sewing and learn more by reaching out to new experiences and people. And let's face it, I can be all over the map with my thoughts and ideas. So, I'm slightly flighty - and that doesn't seem like such a bad thing to be!
PS Still looking for blogging ideas - what do YOU want to hear about?