Let's face it - any crafty type person will tell you that they've made mistakes in a project. More often multiple projects! And I'm not going to lie, since getting back into sewing there have been multiple snafus. Including phone calls to my Crafty Mama begging for help. But as Crafty Mama's quilter ladies say "It's not ripping out - it's simply
". This weekend I had an episode of un-stitch. I decided to take some fabric that I'd bought after my Best Friend pointed it out and make an apron a little bit different that anything I'd made before. I based it on a couple different patterns that I had and threw in some new ideas. That may be where the hitch came. I made a 'opps' and got stuck last night and could not for the life of me figure out how to fix it. I did some sketches, I un-stitched, I even looked through all my sewing books to try to figure it out. Side note: costuming books will not help with apron sewing and are too distracting and full of pretties, for the record.
So I left it and slept on it (not literally - not so flighty that I'm sleeping at the sewing machine yet). And when I finally went back this afternoon...I had it! I knew what to do, just like that.

So with some more un-stitching, behold my newest apron! I'm very proud of it, in part because I persevered and made it happen. That is what it's all about really - simply creating and exploring until you stumble across something that can change your perspective
Disclaimer: Several people have asked when I'm going to start selling things. Here's the first opportunity. If you'd like to buy this apron I'll sell it for $25 ($5 for postage - so if you're going to see me, I'll take $20). Mother's Day is coming up...I'm just sayin'!