Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Collective

As many of you know, I'm moving. Well, actually, I'm not moving - my wonderful parents, fabulous aunt, and probably some helping hands are moving my stuff. I am packing the stuff however, and I'm amazed by what I've 'collected' in such a short amount of time. We all collect stuff, it's almost a 'human survival instinct' to collect and hoard. A few of my collections:

I am a voracious reader. I consider it a hobby, although admit that I've gotten peculiar looks when asked my hobbies in an interview and I blurt out "Reading!". I have a 'relationship' with my books and often antagonize over whether it's time to let one go or not. A good proverb would be that "A full bookshelf equals a happy home". Hmm - maybe that would be good in embroidery :).

A recent collection I started at this house was collecting the wine bottles that were finished off by myself, my Fella, Mama, Aunt Lisa, my friends, etc...

These bottles have lead to a few cringe-worthy moments including my landlord casually noting, "I see you like to drink wine". But the bottles all have a special memory and that's why I keep them around for the time being.

My most recent collection that I've started on is birds. Of all kinds - fabric prints, ceramic, art, pictures, etc... You may have guessed this is where my blog name came from - and you would be correct, your prize is in the mail :). These are just a few of my little friends.

It's more than liking birds though. I love watching birds and the beauty they can give to even the most ugly circumstances. If you watch birds you'll find that they often have keen, inquisitive personalities, almost inviting you to get to know them better. I feel like those are qualities I share with birds; I love to spread beauty with sewing and learn more by reaching out to new experiences and people. And let's face it, I can be all over the map with my thoughts and ideas. So, I'm slightly flighty - and that doesn't seem like such a bad thing to be!

PS Still looking for blogging ideas - what do YOU want to hear about?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Rollercoaster

Isn't today a beautiful day? I mean, even if it's stormy where you are - at least it's not snowing anymore! At least, in the US :). I have news that I want to share - and this seems like the ideal place to do it! On Thursday, I was released from my position at work which meant that although I have an employer, I have no job. I've been on an emotional rollercoaster since then, but in the end it is what it is. I felt like this was going to open up some wonderful opportunities for me and I was going to take advantage of that gift. My friends and family have been incredibly supportive; please remind me when I'm blue how much I am loved and cared about! I can't tell you how many have told me stories to commiserate (I'm not alone!) or just simply to laugh. I think it's summed up best by what an old work buddy told me; he said "It doesn't matter because you're better than this and smarter than this and you shouldn't let it define you". Wow - what an amazing compliment. I think we can all take that sentiment along with us. Our jobs, events in our life, even people we know don't define us. You are who you are no matter what life throws at you. That is part of why I started sewing again, find the things that bring joy so you can weather the storm.

But now for the exciting news - and lots of it! Out of my parents graciousness, I'm moving kit and caboodle to the little house in Branson (there is a small group people cheering about that :)). However, I just found out I won't be actually living there for a bit. Because I just got a new position through my work! I need to be in Louisiana on May 3rd and it's a 9 week project. So I'll be out of a pocket for a bit - but will continue to blog because it'll be a nice respite from work.

So - now I'd like to hear from everyone! Have you ever had a situation like mine where very bad turned into very good in an instant? What topics should I blog about while living in LA? Do you think I'll get mugged for wearing a Razorback hat in LSU land?? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Busy Little Bee

Hello All - hope your weekend has been as productive as mine. Isn't it the best feeling in the world to know that you've not only knocked several things off your to-do list, but managed to find time to create too? First of all, I finished another onesie with a happy little carrot on it and a burp cloth with a friendly squirrel. I really enjoy doing these little baby projects. One, because they're fast and give me an immense sense of accomplishment and two, because I know they are items that will be used. Making things for people gives me a great sense of joy and even more so if they're for people I love. But I gain even more joy to see my creations used!

I've been a bit stifled creatively recently; I luckily seem to be moving past that. However, I read a great tip today for when we crafty folk are feeling creatively stifled. When you just can't come up with a fresh idea, try a different activity or another hobby. For me, baking falls under that category. So this weekend, I tried a new blueberry muffin recipe because my fella was coming up. They turned out awesome - as you can see. My fella really enjoyed them and it was nice to 'create' something outside the realm of sewing. If they look like something your family/friends/co-workers would like, leave a comment and I'll post the recipe.

I mentioned in a previous post that I was working on some onesies for a co-worker and his wife expecting their first girl (already have a son). They wanted a ladybug because she'll be born in June (junebug :)). I didn't like any of the ladybug designs I found; nothing was whimsical enough. So I decided to summon all my creative powers and make my own design. After some sketching...and some more sketching...and some test transfers, this is the result. Sorry for the sideways picture, I'm new to this blogging thing and am experiencing a little operator error.

I'm so proud of it - this is my first original sketch to be used as an embroidery design. I can't wait to sew it all up and show y'all the finished product! And this opens up a whole new area of my sewing where I can try new ideas.

On a side note - Mother's Day is quickly approaching! Let me know if you're looking for a unique gift, I just might be able to help :).

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Oh, the places you'll go!!

I don't know about y'all, but I had a busy and fun weekend. My Crafty Mama asked me to come down to go to a sewing expo with her and see her and Pop's little cabin. So I headed down south to the metropolis of Branson!

First - the sewing expo. Mama is a quilter, so it was no surprise that she saw a lot of a neato things within the realm of quilting. There weren't so many sewing things, but I did see some neat things that gave me all sorts of good ideas and started up my creative juices. Second, the cabin is simply adorable and Pops is going to make it into something really special. And the thought occurred to me that us crafty folk often credit our abilities to one particular family member, but the fact of the matter is that we usually pull it from many people that just have their own way of being 'crafty'. Never overlook your family's hidden talents - there just maybe a wonderful skill lurking there!

After the sewing expo Mama and I went to FM Stores (in Springfield-thanks SJ for introducing me!) and Quilts & Quilts in Branson. And I bought fabric for my stash!! I think everyone who sews should have a 'stash' of fabric in their sewing areas (I'll talk about my opinions on sewing areas on another day :)). You never know when a pattern or project will wind up in your hands that needs the perfect paisley print and - voila- it's hidden in your stash!!

Any ideas for projects for these lovely fabrics? I can see aprons and sundresses and bags - oh my! *Side note for any beginning/part-time sewers: a gal at a fabric store once told me to try to buy at least two yards of any 'stash' fabric because that is usually enough to make a skirt.

I saw my favorite Aunt while in Branson...and she saw my custom Birdie Bag that I made for myself. I'd like to think it was love at first site and she picked out fabric so I could make one of her very own.

Can I just say she has amazing taste? So the Writing Bag (b/c she's an author) is one of my current projects, along with sketches for a friend's apron, and onesies for a co-worker. Hey - maybe this sewing thing will work out after all!

PS On the bag - price wise it'll run b/w $20-$40, depending on fabric etc... When I have the price nailed down better I'll let you know in case anyone else wants a special bag all their own! Don't forget to give me ideas for my new fabrics!

Monday, April 5, 2010

How Fortunate!

So sorry for the delay in blogs. I've been busy busy being stitchy! (And yes, Mom, that is a word.) I have so many things to show you! But first, a story of 'fortunate' circumstances.

I ordered Chinese food a couple weeks ago, which is something I rarely do. And it came with two fortune cookies - apparently I ordered A LOT of Chinese food. Anyway, I decided to eat the extra fortune cookie I had in the kitchen last night. And the fortune said... "You should enhance your feminine side at this time." Now not to be sexist in any way, but I thought it was so fortuitous that I would get this fortune just as I'm branching into a new era with my 'feminine side'. Lesson learned - you can find motivation and support where you least expect it!

On to the sewing at large. I've been experimenting recently with my embroidery. That's what I love about doing embroidery - there are so many possibilities and options. I could probably use the same pattern twenty times and never have it exactly the same. Which is also the beauty of hand-crafts; when you purchase or are given one it's unique and one-of-a kind. Yours alone to cherish! My first "experiment" was a kitchen towel I did for myself with some new & different stitches and bright colors.

I admit - when my fella first saw it, he said "I think that's a flower. If it is, it's cute." But that's ok, because that's what trying new things is about. Having the funny but sunny flower keep your stove company.

Next - I experimented with using colored fabric (blue) and some more stitches I haven't done very often. This is a handkerchief for me to use at work. Here's a disclaimer for those of you that don't know; I work outside for my job and I've found that three seasons out of the year equals a perpetually runny nose. And tissues blow away in the wind. Enter "Super-Duper Hanky"! Maybe the colors could have been a bit different on this one, but that's OK because it's mine and I like it.

Finally - and this one is simply because many of my friends are expecting joyous events (that's kids for you bachelor-type people like me!) a cloth diaper burp cloth. I love this pretty little lady and thought it would be a nice gift for a baby girl.
P.S. Les - if it's a girl, she's yours!

So, let me know what you think about all my 'experimenting'. By the by, see a pattern you like? Need a handy hanky? Just let me know because I'm officially licensed to use Sublime Stitching embroidery patterns! Handkerchiefs are $3-$5 depending on design. Oh - and know someone that needs a burp cloth? Five dollars each too.

And a shout-out to Janie! Thank you for your sweet comments and I look forward to getting to 'know' you better :). TP - you're the bestest!