Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Jenny Goes to New Orleans

This past weekend I took a looonngg road-trip down to NOLA for the first time. A friend of mine has been working down there and asking me to come, so I did! And the result you ask? Best.Weekend.Ever.

Things you should know about New Orleans: it's dirty, smell, raunchy, and bawdy. There's no way to change that - it is what it is and that's why millions love The Big Easy. AND - my friend's nickname is Satan! That being said, it would hard to make this a totally 'PG' blog post. So, I'll do my best but you've been warned (Mom, this means you1). I decided it would be too hard to tell you all the great stories, so I'm going to summarize the weekend with the list of things I learned in Nola:

1. Some people are just immediate friends. You know from the instant you meet them that you click. I was lucky enough to meet some of those people these weekend. Some of those immediate friend become very good, long-time friends. I was able to catch up with what I hope is one of those - even if we do call him Satan:).

2. If it's wet in the road, don't step in it. God invented heels to save your feet from the ick of Bourbon Street!

3. I even get carded in New Orleans. And after the bouncer's saw my age they thought it was the funniest thing ever. *sigh* One even apologized and called me ma'am. My friends' response? At least he called you ma'am!

4. Never ask your gay waiter for a quote because you'll get "I want to tongue punch your fart box,". No - I'm not kidding, true story. And we laughed so hard we cried. And if I could explain the situation any better I would, but I was drinking my first hand grenade. See #7.

5. How do you get a drunk LSU guy to not hug you? Tell him you're an Arkansas fan!

6. How do you get any annoying drunk guy to stop hitting on you? Tell him you're with Satan, smirk, and walk away.

7. One hand grenade makes you fun, two makes you entertainment! (A hand grenade is a hurricane-type drink).

8. People from Alabama can be some of the funniest, craziest people ever!

9. It doesn't matter where you come from, where you're going, who you are - everyone in New Orleans is family and you can feel that vibe everywhere you go!

10. I love New Orleans - even for all of it's dirty, raunchy nature. Much like Las Vegas, what happens there stays there and people feel free to fly their freak flags high. And I respect those people for that. I think because people are comfortable in Nola, they might actually the best and most fun versions of themselves.

Finally - would I go again? Yes, in a heartbeat! Would I suggest it if you have children or don't drink? No, not at all. I mean, there is a lot of history in New Orleans to see but the French Quarter should be limited to those that flock for particular reasons. Laissez les bon temps rouler!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Year of the Slump

For anyone that follows sports, particularly baseball, you know what a slump means. As a devoted Cardinals fan (please don't hate those of you that prefer blue uniforms), I totally understand how a player can be up one game and down the next three with seemingly no explanation. Well, ladies and gentlemen, I have been in a bit of slump. For almost a year. As I wrote in my blog last October, I'd had a lot of changes in my life. It seems I let them overwhelm my creativity, became focused on work and abandoned my blog.

Recently, though, I've been working my way out of my slump. I recently moved to Springfield to be closer to my friends and the airport (sadly, work never goes away). As I'm becoming more settled in my new place and spending quality time with my friends, I'm again finding my creativity. And finally, after many weeks of Coffee, Crafties, and Besties (read about it here), I finished a project.

It's not much, but it's finished and it's mine. Yes - that's right, this dainty little tea towel is an addition for the kitchen of the Prince Haus. And I feel so relieved to have jumped this hurdle and started creating again. So, I'm officially out of my slump and back to blogging. And anxious to share my thoughts with everyone again. Hopefully, I'll hit a home run in the next few games!